Clubhouse rental is for Parkview Hills residents only.

Per the Parkview Hills Board, there will not be a rental fee charged until June 2022.

Use of the Clubhouse upper level will be given to residents only; a picture ID and proof of residency will be required. In addition, there is a maximum limit of fifty guests allowed to be in attendance.

Reservations must be made at least 14 days prior to, and no sooner than 90 days before the event. Several days are blacked out for regularly scheduled events or holidays.

Event forms must be filled out and signed as confirmation for the clubhouse rental. We are available to accept these forms during the clubhouse staff hours:

M-F 9 am–1 pm and 2 pm–6 pm; Sat. & Sun Noon–6 pm.

Events (including set-up and clean-up) must fall within clubhouse extended hours: 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.

Because the staff will not be present for events outside of business hours, the reserving resident will be required to have a clubhouse fob or purchase one for $10.00.

There are blackout dates for events: voting days, flu clinics, community association meetings, and certain holidays.

The kitchen can be used for serving only. All food must be pre-prepared and brought in; there will be no access to serving dishes, pots and pans, glasses, or utensils.

Until further notice, it has been determined that the decks are unsafe, and are not available for guests.

If you are interested in reserving the clubhouse for an event, please download an event form here on the Parkview Hills website, or e-mail us at and we will provide you with a form.