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The City of Kalamazoo Requests Residents’ Feedback on Traffic Calming and Parking on Greenleaf Blvd

The Neighbor Association of Parkview Hills (NAPH) will be hosting a city meeting July 22, 2021 at 6pm at the Clubhouse. City of Kalamazoo Traffic Engineer Dennis Randolph and Neighborhood Activator Dan Baisden will present and explain the plan options for traffic calming along Greenleaf Boulevard, answer questions, and gather residents’ opinions.

The plan options are available for review and comment on the following city link:


Whether you can or cannot attend the in-person meeting, please look over the options and comment on the link, if you are able.

Note: Greenleaf Blvd traffic calming is part of the Neighborhood Plan. Parking on Greenleaf has become a safety issue.

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