42 events found.
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Kickoff for Garlic Mustard Pulling Season in Parkview Hills
Parkview Hills Clubhouse 3707 Greenleaf Cir, KalamazooOnce again, Parkview Hills is inviting community members to join the Natural Areas Stewardship Committee in our annual spring Garlic Mustard Pull campaign. Please join us on Saturday, April 23rd at 10AM in the Clubhouse parking lot for coffee and donuts for our GM Social and Kick Off. Here, you can meet like-minded community members [...]
NASC Volunteer Opportunity: Remove one of Michigan’s top 20 invaders
Parkview Hills Clubhouse 3707 Greenleaf Cir, KalamazooIn Parkview Hills, Honeysuckle is robust along some of our trails. Join us on Saturday, November 16, 9:30 am to noon to remove this invader from our natural areas. We will gather at the Clubhouse at 9:30 for a brief tutorial on Honeysuckle identification and removal. We will then head into the natural area along [...]