The Parkview Hills Clubhouse Library


The Parkview Hills Clubhouse Library is a comfortable, inviting, and enjoyable place to easily find your next reading adventure.

The Clubhouse is home to a well-stocked library. Volunteer librarians Anita Lawson, a retired school librarian, and her friend Joan Harmens, a former elementary school teacher, are at the library selecting, organizing, and updating donated books once a week. They both believe in the importance of reading and the comfort you can find in escaping to a new world.

Fiction books are the biggest section with the most current books. There are all types of fiction books in order by author. Don’t forget to check the section with paperback books, which are also fiction, and in order by author. Grab a good read!

The Non-Fiction section has a nice selection with a concentration on Michigan. You can find books in this area on Cooking, History, Nature, Parenting, Spirituality, Poetry, Animals, Travel, and more. Check it out sometime!

Children’s Section has a rack with picture books, as well as book displays. There are shelves with young adult, junior novels, graphic novels, and non-fiction young adult and children’s books. Have your kids check this section out! We also have new reading buddies.

Puzzle swap! You can borrow a puzzle or leave a puzzle on the far side of the new book return shelf.

reading buddies


Returns and donations can be left on the shelves behind the door.

Because the shelving space is so small, the librarians are limited in what they keep. A ll the books are donated, or are purchased by the librarians. All books with a fairly current copyright date are accepted. What isn’t used goes to a good home.

return shelves

Visitors are welcome. If you have visitors who would like to read a book from the library, they are welcome to take the book home if not finished. Next time they visit, they can return the book or leave one of their own in its place. That goes especially for the kids!

Please visit the Parkview Hills Clubhouse Library.

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